A conversation with a friend reminded me of this

I was 19 and on the rebound from my first love. I ain’t gonna say her name because I’m not that kind of person. She was psycho. She lied to me all the time. I’m not talking about simple lies, I’m talking about serious lies. While we were together she lied about being gang raped. I believed her. Then she lied about being hunted down and having her house shot at from a drive by shooting by a gang. Then she lied about being stalked. Then she lied about needing liver surgery. When I asked her dad about the surgery she told him I was stalking her. After we broke up she kept telling me about one of my good friends hitting on her. My best friend since 3rd grade… I was telling her about all this and she said one day… “is it possible she’s been lying to you all this time?”. It clicked into my head at that moment how naive I had been. I’d been trying to get back together with her for a while with no success. After I had that revelation… thanks to my best friend… next time she complained about my friend hitting on her and wanted me to make him stop…. I just said “you ain’t my girlfriend anymore. That ain’t my job… you deal with it.” After that she never fucked with me again. I talked to her briefly on facebook many years later, but I’d never fall for that shit again. And my friend talking to me about an ex reminded me of her.

Ain’t gonna say your name, but thank you for reminding me of that.


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