Author: twoshadesoff

  • It makes me sad

    It makes me sad that fall is here. I hate fall the most because everything starts “dying” and all the critters go away. Then it gets colder and I hate the cold. My 2nd most hated season is winter because of the cold. I really don’t do well in the cold. I’m really skinny so…

  • Of course I have no comments

    lol because no one gives a fuck about what I’m saying. Ain’t gonna stop me from saying what I want though.

  • I lost my virginity

    in a barn lol. I was 12, she was 14. Some guy told everyone she was a whore. This was in the country and you could settle disagreements with a planned fight. He and I scheduled a fight cause I wasn’t gonna let anyone talk like that about my girlfriend. I beat his ass pretty…

  • A girl I dated. This’ll be good for some ppl lol.

    There’s a girl I dated once. Ain’t gonna say her name. On our first date I took her to a public park at night and sat on the grass eating ice cream with her. Then I drove her to a spot on the Chattahoochee river. We were sitting on the bank just watching the stars,…

  • Lol

    I know no one reads my blog but it still lets me get shit off my chest. Shit I don’t feel like bothering my friends or family with. So even no one is reading my blog I’m still gonna keep posting.

  • Grrrr

    That’s all… I’m in a “grr” mood but ain’t anything I can talk about publicly. Just know I’m a little angry.

  • I’m sorry.

    I’m not going to say her name. I traumatized the shit out of you. I loved you to death and you loved me. And I’m so sorry I put you through what I did. I still love you and I know we’ll never speak again but I just wanted to make it public that what…

  • Random

    when I was a teen … when there was a thunderstorm with lightning I loved to go swimming. One particular pool I went to had a phone. It was regular phone, not a pay phone. I was a teenage asshole and there was this 900 number 1-900-butt-sex. It charged by the minute. I called it…

  • Homeless #2

    was still sleeping on the sidewalk. This time it was in Tijuana Mexico. I have spinal cord damage and don’t have full use of my legs and feet. I was on the sidewalk resting my legs cause they were about to give out on me. The cops came around and questioned me… they didn’t speak…

  • Homeless

    I was homeless for around 1-2 years. I was literally sleeping on the sidewalk. One day I was wearing a sign that said “free compliments *tips accepted”. A woman stopped, asked for a compliment, I thought for a minute while staring at her and said “you have kind eyes and you feel like someone I…